Eurofarma renews its support for the United Nations Global Compact
Published in: September 16, 2020  and updated in: November 4, 2021
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São Paulo, September 2020 – Eurofarma, a Brazilian pharmaceutical multinational with a presence in 20 Latin American countries, has renewed its support for the Global Compact, a code of business conduct for the adoption of internationally accepted practices and values in the fields of human rights, labor relations, the environment, and the fight against corruption. The guidelines were established by the United Nations (UN) to affirm the commitment of companies to the 10 principles set out in this document.

Eurofarma has been a signatory to the Global Compact since 2015 and is fully committed to the ethical and responsible values defined by these principles in all its business practices. Learn what they are:

Human rights:

  1. Respect and support internationally proclaimed human rights;

  2. Ensure the company does not participate in human rights violations;


  1. Support freedom of association and recognize the right to collective bargaining;

  2. Eliminate all forms of forced or compulsory labor;

  3. Eradicate all forms of child labor;

  4. Encourage practices that end all types of discrimination at work;


  1. Adopt practices that take a responsible, proactive, and preventive approach to environmental challenges;

  2. Develop initiatives and practices to promote and spread social and environmental responsibility;

  3. Encourage the development and dissemination of environmentally friendly technologies;


  • Fight corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.



About Eurofarma Group 

As the first multinational pharmaceutical company with 100% Brazilian capital, the Eurofarma Group has been operating in the health industry since its establishment in 1972, producing and marketing innovative products and services to improve people’s quality of life. Focused on generating shared value, it operates in the areas of Prescription, Non-Prescription, and Generic Drugs, Hospital, Oncology and Veterinary. In Brazil alone, it offers 313 products, 649 dosage forms, serves 25 medical specialties and covers 89 therapeutic classes, which represent 81% of prescriptions in the brand market.

The Eurofarma Group has own operations in 20 countries, with an industrial park in Brazil and plants in 6 more Latin American countries. Reported sales totaled BRL 5.6 billion in 2019 and the Group employs over 7,000 employees.


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