Eurofarma is featured in the Sustainability Exame Guide
Published in: November 18, 2016  and updated in: November 4, 2021
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In this week's issue, the Exame magazine published the 2016 Exame Sustainability Guide. Created in 2000, the Guide highlights the best practices of corporate responsibility in the country by ranking the participating companies as per their scores in four different dimensions: general, economic, social and environmental. These last three are responsible for the well-known "sustainability tripod".

In addition to rewarding the best in each sector, the Guide includes companies that have excelled in their fields and also the winners by category (10 key indicators): sustainability governance, human rights, supplier and community relationship, water management, waste management, biodiversity management, climate change, customer relations and transparency & anti-corruption.

This year, Novartis was voted the most sustainable in the pharmaceutical sector and Eurofarma, which in 2015 was elected twice champion, also featured in the publication as a highlight in the sector, in the "Water Management" field. An important natural resource and main input in the production of SPGVs, the Exame Guide dedicated a page of the publication to describe the company's actions related to the theme with emphasis on the reuse project of the Ribeirão Preto Unit. With an investment of more than R$ 1 million in equipment and system modification, the project was implemented this year and has the objective of reusing 60% of discarded water in the production process, avoiding the waste of 120 thousand liters of water per year.

“Being present in the Exame Sustainability Guide is a reason for great pride. Our challenge is to keep moving forward. We know the importance of pursuing economic, social and environmental balance, which is one of the reasons why we maintain strategic planning in the umbrella of sustainability. It translates the future we want and guides us on the best way to achieve our mid and long-term results", says Maurizio Billi, president of Eurofarma.