Suganon® (evogliptin tartrate) - 5mg coated tablet - ORAL USE - ADULT USE - INDICATIONS: adjunct to diet and exercise to improve glycemic control in type 2 diabetes mellitus in monotherapy or in combination therapy. CONTRAINDICATIONS: hypersensitivity to any component of the formula or to DPP4 inhibitors: type I diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS: concomitant use with drugs that cause hypoglycemia may require dose adjustment; < 18 years: severe and disabling joint pain: bullous pemphigoid; heart failure: renal impairment: hepatic impairment; acute pancreatitis: risk category C in pregnancy: breastfeeding. DRUG INTERACTIONS: clarithromycin: rifampicin; others. ADVERSE REACTIONS: dizziness: headache; insomnia: skin allergies: constipation and others. POSOLOGY: 5mg/VO/day with or without food. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, SEE THE PACKAGE INSERT. M.S. [Ministry of Health]: 1.0043.1343. SOLD WITH MEDICAL PRESCRIPTION. IF SYMPTOMS PERSIST, THE DOCTOR SHOULD BE CONSULTED. MATERIAL INTENDED EXCLUSIVELY FOR PROFESSIONALS QUALIFIED TO DISPENSE OR PRESCRIBE